They say things happen for a reason.
After a long search for a dog, I eventually got a Shitzu called Maisie & she came all the way from Cork, Ireland. Being a passionate dog lover, the time soon came when I wanted to get her groomed and so the search for a groomer began. This is where the problems began(. )I wanted to find Maisie an open, comfortable and relaxed environment with no crates or drying cabinets. I tried many different places but nowhere seemed to fit what I was looking for.
So I decided to start my own dog grooming business to give other dog owners the exact service I was looking for. I went and trained in one of London’s most qualified dog grooming salons. I am qualified at a city & guild level, I am also a member of the pet care trust and the British Dog Grooming Association. My salon is purpose built for both dogs and owners needs. My hygiene standarads are high. I continually invest and upgrade in equipment and education. I run a salon that I would want to take my own dog to. I specialise in smaller breeds. I look forward to seeing you and your dog soon.